Max Mayer

Geboren 1974 in Wien, studierte Max Mayer am Konservatorium der Stadt Wien Schauspiel. Nach zahlreichen Arbeiten als freier Schauspieler war er u. a. von 2006 bis 2008 Ensemblemitglied am Schauspielhaus Graz, von 2008 bis 2013 im Ensemble des Schauspielhaus Wien sowie von 2014 bis 2016 am Schauspiel Frankfurt auf der Bühne zu erleben. 2011 erhielt er den Nestroy-Preis als «Bester Schauspieler». Weitere Engagements führten an das Thalia Theater Hamburg, Deutsche Schauspielhaus Hamburg, an das Schauspielhaus Bochum sowie an das Burgtheater Wien und das Schauspiel Köln. Eine intensive Zusammenarbeit verbindet ihn mit dem Regisseur Robert Borgmann. Seit der Spielzeit 2019/2020 ist er im Ensemble des Residenztheaters. 

Performing in

«Danton’s Death», written by the 22-year-old Georg Büchner in a mere five weeks in 1835 following extensive research, is based on historical sources and documents from the French Revolution, whose maxims of «liberty, equality and fraternity» shaped our understanding of modern European democracies. However, Büchner does not tell of the triumphant beginnings, the storming of the Bastille as part of a popular uprising that continues to be celebrated today, focusing instead on a few days towards the end of the Jacobins’ so-called reign of terror in the spring of 1794.

Dantons Tod (Danton’s Death)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 25 May
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Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 26 May
Only a few performances left!
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 22 Jun

Elisabeth Gärtner, a retired architect, has only one more wish: she wants to die. Her beloved husband died of cancer three years ago and without him life has no meaning for her any more. A drug that would allow her to die of her own volition has been refused her. Now the Ethics Council must make a decision on her case. Expert witnesses from the fields of law, medicine and theology argue over the question:  Does a human being have a right to determine their own death? Are doctors allowed to help someone commit suicide? And who do our lives actually belong to? To us? To the state? Or to God?

Gott (God)

Auf einer griechischen Insel sucht Lysistrata Zuflucht vor einer auf Gewalt basierenden Gesellschaft. Doch ihre Auszeit wird jäh unterbrochen, als ihr Vater auftaucht und sich darüber verwundert zeigt, dass seine Tochter ausgerechnet hier den Wunsch verspürt, Mutter zu werden.

Lysistrata macht Urlaub
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Fri 07 Jun
Publikumsgespräch im Anschluss
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It takes the physical pain of cancer to break through Fritz Zorn’s protective shell of a cultivated «insensitivity of the soul». It is not until he is in danger of dying that his resistance awakens against not being allowed to live: «I am young and rich and educated: and I am unhappy, neurotic and alone.» With these words the Swiss author Fritz Zorn opens his reckoning with this background, family and education. However: his contemplation of death is a contemplation of freedom. The art of dying liberates the individual from all subjugation and compulsion and by accepting one’s own finality it offers the possibility of seeing oneself as part of an overarching process of transformation.

Meeting point: Marstall Foyer
22.00 o'clock
Wed 05 Jun

Hamsun’s trilogy tells the story of a man who feels he has been overlooked by the elites that set the tone and cheated of social recognition. The philosopher Ivar Kareno evolves from a 30-year-old radical and anti-liberal writer on the fringes of poverty into a 40-year-old private tutor to the two sons of a businessman in a distant coastal region. Here Kareno sits brooding in his writing tower, while an infectious fever descends on people, arriving from the North, the businessman Otermann is driven mad by his wealth and a strange man wanders between the houses, rumoured to be justice. Ten years later, the 50-year-old Kareno is still hoping for a major turning point in his life. And he will indeed reach a milestone where he must decide whether he will remain true to the radical ideas of his youth or to pursue a career that is more measured politically.   

Spiel des Lebens (The game of life)

After Orestes’s bloody revenge on his mother Clytemnestra for her murder of his father Agamemnon, he flees from the angry goddesses of vengeance. He seeks sanctuary in the temple of Apollo and appeals to the god for protection from the furies – but even Apollo is powerless against them, so Athena must decide Orestes’s fate. However, the goddess will not do so alone: a court of mortals who have sworn an oath to her will ultimately judge which murder weighs heavier: that of one’s mother or one’s husband.

Marstall, 18.00 o'clock
Sun 19 May
Marstall, 18.00 o'clock
Mon 20 May
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Tue 18 Jun
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Wed 19 Jun

«Mitläufer» (Fellow Travellers) is a historical exploration of the contradictory biographies of those whose close contacts with the Nazi party helped them to reach the top echelons of the theatre. In this research project, the Residenztheater, one of the oldest German theatres, examines a dark chapter in its own history.

Mitläufer (Fellow Travellers)
7.30 pm Introduction
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Wed 29 May
Marstall, 19.30 o'clock
Mon 03 Jun

Following Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, in the second half of the season another we hear from another master storyteller. A narrator who tells us to call him Ismael walks onto the Residenztheater stage in seaman’s garb. What follows is a genuine monster of a story: Ismael is hired on the «Pequod», an old whaling ship, and goes to sea on board this floating blubber factory.

Moby Dick
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
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Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 02 Jun
6 p.m. Introduction
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Tue 11 Jun
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 26 Jun

Jovana Reisinger’s novel follows nine women from early spring to the summer of an unspecified year not far from the present. All of them live in or around Munich and they are all named after women’s magazines. They live and fail representatively, each of them alone and yet collectively, by the images and ideals of what it means to be a woman.

Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Thu 20 Jun
